Thursday, February 26, 2009


Photo by thejbird

I sort of feel like a stalker, but I can't help it. And to be honest, I am not that ashamed. There is a blog out there I check everyday at least once. If I only have a minute to get online, I've been known to check and see if there are new posts up instead of checking my email.

Okay, maybe a little ashamed.


I am at the point in my life where it seems everyone is having kids. Latest count of people I know who are expecting this year: 10. The list used to be longer, but a half dozen friends and family have recently had babies.

So, I figured this blog post from MyCharmingKids was timely. It's one family's take on the ever-fun task of potty-training.

While she suggests methods that may or may not work at all for me someday when I have children, I like the idea that I can tuck this info away and possibly incorporate it into my future routine.

I have participated in potty-training (other people's) toddlers and it is NOT something I particularly look forward to attempting. It's a lot of work! But hopefully tips like these help ease all the anxiety and trepidation...of the parent.

Happy Aiming!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Speak or Not to Speak: Who Gets a Voice?

There is a video on YouTube that has been making the rounds lately. Perhaps you've seen it.

WorldNetDaily published an article about a 7th grade girl who competed in a speech competition where she chose the topic of abortion.

After being told she wouldn't be able compete unless she chose another topic, she stood her ground and decided that she would continue with her speech, regardless of the consequences.

Check out the article and the video. Pretty compelling for a 12-year-old.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time for Not Me!

It's that time again. Head on over to MckMama's to see what everyone else has or has not done this week.

Here's what I surely didn't do this week:

I did NOT start this list last Wednesday because I have zero memory capabilities right now.

I did NOT grab a breast pad to quickly soak up some water I spilled on the table.

I did NOT forget to remove my old socks before trying to put on a clean pair. I am NOT too tired to know the difference between one layer and two.

I do NOT want to snuggle this little girl at all hours of the day. I am NOT looking forward to spoiling her just a lil bit.

Even though she is far too even tempered and just plain cute to ever have a major cow at the ripe old age of one week old, I do NOT melt (and even sometimes giggle) when she looks like this:

I have NOT been sneezing my head off all day. I have way too much to do to be getting a cold. I will not be downing tons of fruit and vitamins (gag me) to keep this at bay. And I am certainly not attributing my fuzzy-feeling head to the dry air because dry air cannot keep me from loving on this lil girl.

I am probably NOT going to stop posting about this sweet babe anytime soon. Okay, so that was true.

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! from the Maternity Ward

Hopefully you've taken the chance to check out MckMama and all of her Not Me! friends before. If not, head on over to see what the fuss is all about. It's definitely worth your time and may make you laugh a time or two.

I have NOT just endured two sleepless nights of contractions.

I have NOT suffered through sharp pains throughout my body for the past 36 hours .

I am NOT totally exhausted beyond belief.

I am NOT currently at the hospital waiting for my sister (yes, I'm just a whiner) to give birth to my niece.

My sister is NOT being a nazi at this very moment about what all of us can and cannot eat while we are here, regardless of how near we are to her or her room when stuff is being eaten. :)

I am NOT super thrilled to see this baby's sweet tiny face in just a few short hours!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Death of Generations (and generations...)

I have been spending a lot of time lately thinking about what what it will mean for us if President Obama is able to fulfill one of his major campaign promises with FOCA, or a similarly named bill. And to be honest, it literally makes me sick to my stomach.

What that new legislation will mean is that there will be zero accountability when it comes to abortions. It will remove any restrictions in place today. Babies will be killed at all points of pregnancy, minors will not need parental consent, the ban on partial-birth abortions will be lifted, doctors and facilities of faith will face fines and/or loss of licenses if they refuse to perform an abortion, OUR tax money will be spent on providing abortions to foreigners overseas...the list goes on.

Did anybody pay attention to this during the campaign? Do people not care about little babies getting a shot at life? Is receiving a paycheck from Uncle Sam more important than protecting little ones? I seriously do not understand this. To me, it's unfathomable. However, we are about to face (and truly, are in the midst of) the most horrendous slaughter humanity has EVER known. There are plenty of stats to back that up, too.

There is an article at Boundless that is worth a read.

Also, if you would like to better inform yourself on the issue, check out

Below is an unreferenced prayer pulled from Boundless article. Its date of origin is unknown for now, but its timelessness perfectly fits our current situation.

Father of Lights, the time is dark and our eyes are dim. Our kings, ordained for the protection of the weak, expose them to death, yet cry 'hope.' Our people have lost their way and are deceived.

Light in the Darkness, we call upon you that we may be undeceived and follow you once more. We humbly and earnestly implore you, not only that the evils in the land be turned back, but that we have the courage to stand against them.

Holy Spirit, hear our intercession for the repentance and conversion of those highly placed who do wrong. Renew a right spirit within them. We beg the same mercy for ourselves, who have stood by and called evil good. Assist our prayers, and enable us in all times and places to give you thanks.

In the Name of the Trinity, Amen.

P.S. The sonogram is my niece, whom I will get to meet in a few days!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It's been a long time since I've participated in this, but I figured I could probably come up with a couple things that have happened recently.

If you are unfamiliar with Not Me! Mondays, click on the button or links to see what it's all about. It's a lot of fun to read--you won't be disappointed. And hey, you may end up feeling a little better about yourself along the way!

I was at the store with my mom and sister last weekend getting the last few random items on our list. It had been a long day of running a bazillion errands (after catching a movie, of course.) We were in the bath and beauty section and I realized that I really, really needed razor blades. For the past six weeks I had been using a crummy disposable razor I stole from my sister. It's safe to say that my skin looked like it had gone through a wood chopper after my showers. So, like a good daughter, I held onto my item until we finished shopping and waited in line to pay. It would be so UNLIKE me to just drop my expensive pack of razors into my mom's already-full cart. That would be silly and quite ridiculous since I am most definitely too old to ask (ahem, expect, sometimes) for my mom to purchase things for me. So I didn't. Or did I? All I know is that my legs have thanked me.


For the last year or so I have really made an effort to try to change at least a few easy things in my diet to make it more "organic." The easiest thing I've found is to buy organic milk instead of regular milk. After I read a hundred different articles on just how junky normal grocery store milk is, I had a hard time buying it. Plus, it tastes a whole heck of a lot better. (But let's be honest...sometimes a person just can't find the courage to hand over $3.50-$4 per half gallon every single time the milk is gone. I have definitely switched it out on occasion.)

So when I arrived at my family's home and find out that my expecting sister has switched to organic for the sake of her and baby, I thought that it would be nice to not have to worry about fitting "my" milk into the fridge. Or paying for it very often. However, I soon learned that since it was so expensive, my sister preferred that I didn't use her milk unless it was a milk emergency. I get that. I can be quite reasonable at times. So I most definitely do NOT sneak the "good" milk when it can go unnoticed or no one is looking and regular milk just won't do. I am NOT that calculating. I am ALWAYS a much more considerate person than that.

Oh, and I do NOT think theft is becoming a theme here.

I am sure there are plenty of other occasions where I have totally handled things awesomely but just can't think of them right now. Throughout the week, I always do/say/see something that
I think should go in a Not Me! post--if I were to ever get around to making one--but I never remember them or write them down. Or remember to write them down.

Well, here's to a week of NOT working on forgetfulness or the act of general thievery...