It's been about four months since I last posted and most aspects of my life have majorly changed in the last two. None of the transitions were easy yet none were forced upon me; they just sort of...happened. A whirlwind is a better explanation of how it felt, but hindsight reveals that the events of my life had been leading to where I am now for some time. And, overall, it's a good thing!
There have been numerous times over the last several months when I considered posting something. A fun, spur of the moment weekend trip to San Fransisco with some great photos almost made the cut. So did the yummiest mini pecan pies I made around Thanksgiving.
Oh, and I also quit my job, ended a relationship, said goodbye to wonderful friends, moved 2000 miles, found a job and more.
But, when it came down to it, I just didn't want to write down any of that.
I would never in a million years consider myself a blogger. Yes, I do have this site for some reason but I'd much rather read other people's blogs. I think my main problem is that I don't think the everyday of my life is all that interesting.
Isn't a prerequisite for bloggers to married/parents/foodies/photographers/interior designers?
Adding to that, I'm not much of a fluff person. It's not an easy task for me to be honest without being too personal. I tend to be very private but I'm not afraid to bare my soul when appropriate or necessary. But is a blog really the place for that? Perhaps I just need to loosen up a bit. Or a lot, depending on who you ask.
That said, I'd like to be better at this. A new year, a new season, a new start. Or not. It's worth a shot, though!